Energetic Alignment Sessions

Energetic Alignment sessions will teach you how to achieve more awareness, fulfillment, and flow using your unique energetic blueprint over three sessions. During these sessions, Amy blends coaching and human design to provide insights into your most magnetic opportunities and teach you how to capitalize on your gifts and ignore the noise.

  • “As a serial entrepreneur, I worked with Amy to help me achieve more flow and operate in my zone of genius. At the time, I was feeling confused with so many options, and looking for the next tool to optimize my productivity and happiness. Working with Amy was really powerful - I learned my superpowers and how to make decisions from a place of better understanding and awareness. Using the information and tools she taught me has resulted in less resistance and a lot more flow in my life. I recommend Amy's energetic alignment coaching services to anyone looking to up your game and live more aligned."

    Cesar Quintero
    Partner, The Profit Recipe

Submit to Book Your Energetic Alignment Sessions for $899